What are the conditions in your environment? What's functioning? What's not? What's clean? What's dirty? What is your body-terrain like? What is your atmosphere like? Are there any hot/cold regions, toxins, traps, projectiles, saturation, or deterioration? Present conditions are often an indicator of previous care or previous neglect. Exploring your territory will help locate any missing needs, that when fulfilled, will propel you forward on the path to your developmental destiny. Without purpose, life tends to lose its meaning and can leave a person feeling lost. Locating the areas of need is the key to finding your destiny.
Where is the vital force that compels you to live, grow, and thrive? Do you recognize its nudge for safety, warmth, and nourishment? Where is the urge to do what it takes? Can you access this power? Conditions create sensations that encourage people to move; it may be an internal condition, such as hunger, or an external condition, such as a nearby predator. It is inherent in every living being, yet mal-conditioning can inhibit access to these driving forces. It is important to recognize the risk in distancing yourself from these cues, and the loss of joy that ensues. Ignoring feelings may enable you to temporarily bypass an unwanted experience but the life-force in you is persistent and will turn up the volume on pain and discomforts until you comply. Where is your will-power? Are you using it to address, or suppress, your corporal needs?
Motivation is looking forward to a new condition, the anticipation of a better environment that may enhance your well-being. Moving may be essential for you to survive, or optional to help you thrive. Every organism has its own particular needs and preferences, requiring exactly the right amount of sunlight, nutrients, shelter, etc. If your current environment cannot provide these specifications, perhaps a search needs to occur. The ideal location will have _______, _______, and _______ (fill in the blanks). This is your wish list. The need (point A) is your purpose and the ideal destination (point B) is your aim. Once this is set, an emotional motivation will begin to generate between these two points, and a path will usually open up. The desire to avoid pain (the unfavorable condition) or to seek pleasure (a favorable condition) is fundamental in the wiring of your nervous system. It is the evolutionary drive that propels the survival of the species. Connecting in with these primal feelings will help to reallocate resources toward the necessary body regions needed to physically make the move. The potential reward waiting for you at the end is the not only an improved condition but the emotional satisfaction that you will experience from the achievement. The more you connect with the reason behind the move, the more satisfaction you will receive at its completion.
A chart is a way to document what you're trying to achieve and where you are at in the process. Each effort starts with the conception of an idea, development until it peaks, and a subsequent decline. Creative works require ample time to build, blossom, and return to the earth. These three phases: creating, maturing, and decaying can be witnessed in all forms of nature. It is a natural cycle and one in which you would be wise to align your efforts with.
Honoring the phase is an important step that is often overlooked or discredited in modern society. Children are expected to take on adult roles/concepts; workers are expected to provide instantaneous results, and the attention span for the average person waivers on a dime. Meaningful results can never truly occur without patience. It is a time-dependent process and you must wait for it. Expectations that ignore the developmental stage, or seek to launch a new project before the waning period from the previous one has ceased, disrespects the natural way. Such interference typically results in offerings/fruits that are not well put together, and/or something that no one really wants. Knowing what you're creating and putting in the appropriate effort at the right time will produce a result that people and the environment can appreciate.
To utilize a chart, list all of the areas in which you are applying your energy toward, such as remodeling your house, raising a child, or producing a film. Before each project, take some time to consider what each phase might look like. This will help you to be prepared and ready for the type of action you will need to make. The growing phase typically requires resources, so you may need to gather supplies ahead of time. The maturation phase may encourage you to make offerings, acknowledgements, or recognitions. The winding down phase often requires a clean up, a disposal, or a release. It's helpful to note the exact specifications ahead of time so that as you witness them, you can quickly identify the phase you're in and apply your energy most swiftly. When you can align your efforts with the natural process, things tend to go much smoother, and more efficiently. By documenting your projects, writing down the requirements of each stage, and identifying the current phase, you will know exactly where you're at in the process. As a result, the sense of urgency and pressure tends to lessen, freeing up time and space for simply Being.
Stopped. Stuck. Frozen. Your body or mind just won't move forward. Hesitation, uncertainty, or doubt. There may be something holding you back, or perhaps you're unsure about a move you've recently made. Unexplained apprehension or resistance is a sign that a Fourth Depth pathology may be impeding your progress. Memories of past suffering may be affecting your ability to accurately assess the current situation. Previous conditions (often influenced by parents, peers, or society) may have lead you to believe that certain arrangements are safe (when it is actually harmful) or dangerous (when it is actually benign). This can result in an extreme uncertainty on whether it safer to move or more beneficial to stay put.
If any of the following conditions are present, this could indicate a 4th Depth attention requirement: Stagnated work. Hindrances in the flow of lymph, plasma, or cerebrospinal fluid. Tumors or abnormal growths. Back pain. Brittle bones. Marrow depletion. Chronic fear. Stress. Urinary tract issues. Fungal infections. Anxiety. Decreased cellular regeneration. Mistimed biological provisioning. Stunted growth. Delayed mental-emotional development. Cell-mediated immune function suppression (T-Cells).
Depths Mystery offers one-on-one coaching to help you explore your own personal life chart and overcome any obstacle you might encounter along the way. Energy medicine techniques can calm the body and assist in the recovery from everything its endured. Depths training will help you detect any physical, mental, or emotional needs that were neglected in the past, which may be hindering your current progress.
Stress management techniques, implementing an effective self-care routine, choosing healthy foods, and getting enough sleep are great ways to aid the Fourth Depth. Be close to what makes you happy! If you're unable to be doing the activity you want to be doing, be near those who are. Set up informational interviews with people in jobs you admire. Read a book or watch a movie about the activities you like. Focus on generating the emotions that will sustain you over time.