Jin Shin Jysutsu (Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man) is a pressure-point healing system originating in ancient Japan. For many centuries the knowledge lay dormant, nearly lost, until a man by the name of Jiro Murai revived it in the 20th century. Mr. Murai was shown aspects of the art (via divine means) during his near-death health crisis. Upon his miraculous recovery, he began researching old imperial texts and rediscovered The Nine Depths physio-philosophy. He spent many years treating others and refining his knowledge before passing it on to a couple of select students.
A Japanese-American woman by the name of Mary Ino/Burmeister studied Jin Shin Jysutsu with Jiro Murai and brought it to the United States in the 1950's. Mary passed away in 2008, but her legacy is strong and the organization she founded, Jin Shin Jysutsu, Inc., continues to offer seminars to teach students the techniques of applying this ancient healing art on themselves and others. One of her students, a psychotherapist by the name of Stephanie Mines, created The T.A.R.A. Approach (Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness), which uses Jin Shin as a tool for healing shock and trauma. Dr. Mines, along with certified instructors, train individuals and organizations on the use of Jin Shin T.A.R.A. through The Dom Project.
In the 2000's, Jin Shin began to spread across the globe, and in 2018 linked to the World Wide Web. The-Depths creator Rhea, launched this endeavor after completing her studies of Jin Shin T.A.R.A. from 2003-2009 and began to teach its self-care program; but key questions kept her exploring for coincidentally the next 9 years. A core concept passed down from the oral tradition is that The Nine Depths is a model for how energy denses down into form, but the exact process was a bit of a mystery. Depths Mystery was founded in 2009 to further explore the structure behind this model. By examining it through modern disciplines of physics, astronomy, chemistry, physiology, geological and biological evolution, it became clear that The Nine Depths is not only a healing model, but a model that describes the nature of the universe. Utilizing common tools as analogies, Depths Mystery seeks to bring this model into everyday use through tangible illustrations on the mechanics of each Depth.